* Instruction - Grow a plant in a detachable grow bag, once the plant is ready for transplanting all you do is simply remove the Velcro bottom and lightly place on top of a filled bigger pot, back fill just a bit and you've just transplanted without any disturbance to the roots what-so-ever! The main idea of this method is that we "marry pots together", just "mary" a small one to a bigger one.
* Magic Function - Truely revolutionary method compared with traditional transplant. Marry pots will cut water and fertilizer needs by a lot, at least 25%. The top smaller pots hold water and fertilizer way better as they are channeled over the roots rather than dispersed outward away from the roots. Also take 25% off grow cycle, especially for tomatoes, matureing plants 3-4 weeks sonner. No doubt will increase yields in a much faster rate!
* Mesh Insert & Removable Bottom - During the actual placement, there is a net attached on the bottom to support dirt after removed the bottom. The mesh, with 8*8mm dimension, allows the roots to freely pass through to its new bigger environment without disruption.
* Marry Pots VS Traditional Transplant - With married pots, plants have less issues and perform with huge fruit, No rot, and No discolored leaves! But plants grown traditionally may suffer from yellow small leaves and producing smaller fruit with some of them even having the deaded root at the bottom of the plant.
* 100% Avoid Transplant Shock - Easy, fast, no shock transplanting, married fabric plant pots provide the most novice grower a very good chance! No need to be nervous and anxious the day leading up to a major transplant of high value plants and have major transplant mishaps! More details, this blog may help you make it clear.