Environmental Protection Action--Gardzen
July 7, 2020, it was U.S. Environmental Protection Agency's (EPA) 50th anniversary celebration. “Since EPA was founded in 1970, the U.S. recycling rate has risen from 10 percent to 35 percent and we aim to push it even higher,” said EPA Administrator Andrew Wheeler. “Later this year, EPA will establish new national recycling goals and take steps to support the recycling industry in new ways.”
In order to call the EPA action, we Gardzen and # creek runner 242 work together by cleaning trash around our community.We have some reusable bags which were returned by our customers, and they cannot be sold again, so we decide to give them out by choosing 10 people as Environmental Protection Representatives. If you have same idea and want to take action, then join in with us.
How to join in:
1] Take a picture of a trashy area you are going to clean up
2] Clean up the area and then take a video with your garbage bags challenging others.
3] Take an after picture of the area.
4] Post your video and then add your before and after pics on Facebook (Post must tag with #gardzen #garbagebagchallengevideo). Some devices won't allow this so if so place before and after pics in the comment section of your video post.
5] Go on Gardzen website (https://gardzenonline.com), click "Rewards" on right bottom and sign up.
(This challenge activity will end on July 27)
Complete above steps ? Pls turn to here to fullfill a form.
The Journey of Creek Running