The days are getting shorter, the weather is getting colder, and for many of us fall and winter are here. While this may mean less to do in our outdoor gardening spaces—though we remind you that indoor gardening can happen at any time of the year—there are still ways to stay engaged with gardening. If you’re stuck indoors due to cold or inclement weather, watching a good film about gardening might help you scratch the gardening itch and keep your green thumb happy. If you’re looking for recommendations, you’re in luck! We have some wonderful movies about gardens, gardening, and plants that we can recommend. These come from a variety of genres, so please read the description and check the reviews and ratings before deciding if a particular movie is right for you. But for now, let’s dig in and look at some great movies about gardening!
“Little Shop of Horrors” (1986; PG-13) is a classic horror comedy musical about a mild-mannered florist looking for love who discovers that one of his plants is sentient—and has a hunger for human blood! Funny and frightening by degrees, this is a much-loved horror classic with fun performances from Rick Moranis, Ellen Greene, Steve Martin, and John Candy among other icons of 1980s cinema. The original tunes are catchy, meaning that this movie will stick with you for a while!
“Minari” (2021; PG-13) is a contemporary American drama about a Korean-American family who buy a plot of land in 1980s Arkansas with the goal of starting a small market farm. The word “minari” is the Korean name for “water celery”, a plant that plays a small but important role in the film. The film is a story of family, inter-generational dynamics, and the importance of having a place of one’s own. “Minari” taps into the emotional resonance of gardening, growing things, and the connections it builds.
“Greenfingers” (2001; R) is a UK film that takes us back to the world of comedy. While in prison, the main character discovers that he has a talent and passion for growing flowers. This leads to him working in the prison garden, where his gift is discovered by a celebrity gardener who recruits him and his crew to grow flowers for the prestigious Hampton Court Flower Show. Hilarity ensues—along with a meditation on the power of gardening, humanity, and the promise of the future.
“The Botany of Desire” (2009; PBS Documentary). Based on the bestselling book of the same title by Michael Pollan, “The Botany of Desire” is an exploration of the relationship between humans and plants with a focus on how we modify plants to meet our needs. From there, the documentary looks at the effects of these interactions and how they shape both the plants involved and society. Both informative and thought provoking, this one might be a good choice for those interested in the history of agriculture and the role it has played throughout human history.
“Moana” (2016; PG). Yes, really! Despite much of the action taking place at sea, this heartwarming Disney adventure about a young person finding their place in the world and discovering the importance of both family and responsibility is in fact also about gardening! Message of sustainability, a reciprocal relationship with the natural world, and the relationships between humans, agriculture, and nature pervade this movie—along with great songs, hilarious performances, and entertainment for folks of all ages. Definitely a fun watch if you have young ones in your life—and maybe a good starting point for a conversation about gardening and sustainable living!
This is only a small sample of all the movies about gardening out there, so please let us know some of your recommendations if you’d like. Gardzen is all about community, whether we’re gathering in a garden or around a movie, and we’d love to hear from you!
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